Coverage for app/controllers/minor/ 57%

37 statements  

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1from flask import Flask, g, render_template, request, abort 

2from app.logic.minor import updateMinorInterest, getProgramEngagementHistory, getCourseInformation 

3from app.models.user import User 

4from app.controllers.minor import minor_bp 

5from app.logic.minor import getCommunityEngagementByTerm 


7@minor_bp.route('/profile/<username>/cceMinor', methods=['GET']) 

8def viewCceMinor(username): 

9 """ 

10 Load minor management page with community engagements and summer experience 

11 """ 

12 if not (g.current_user.isAdmin): 

13 return abort(403) 

14 terms = getCommunityEngagementByTerm(username) 

15 user = User.get_by_id(username) 

16 return render_template("minor/profile.html", 

17 user=user, 

18 terms=terms) 


20@minor_bp.route('/cceMinor/<username>/identifyCommunityEngagement/<term>', methods=['GET']) 

21def identifyCommunityEngagement(username): 

22 """ 

23 Load all program and course participation records for that term 

24 """ 

25 pass 


27@minor_bp.route('/cceMinor/<username>/getEngagementInformation/<type>/<term>/<id>', methods=['GET']) 

28def getEngagementInformation(username, type, id, term): 

29 """ 

30 For a particular engagement activity (program or course), get the participation history or course information respectively. 

31 """ 

32 if type == "program": 

33 information = getProgramEngagementHistory(id, username, term) 

34 else: 

35 information = getCourseInformation(id) 


37 return information 


39@minor_bp.route('/cceMinor/<username>/addCommunityEngagement', methods=['POST']) 

40def addCommunityEngagement(username): 

41 """ 

42 Saving a term participation/activities for sustained community engagement  

43 """ 

44 pass 


46@minor_bp.route('/cceMinor/<username>/removeCommunityEngagement', methods=['POST']) 

47def removeCommunityEngagement(username): 

48 """ 

49 Opposite of above 

50 """ 

51 pass 


53@minor_bp.route('/cceMinor/<username>/requestOtherCommunityEngagement', methods=['GET,POST']) 

54def requestOtherCommunityEngagement(username): 

55 """ 

56 Load the "request other" form and submit it. 

57 """ 

58 pass 


60@minor_bp.route('/cceMinor/<username>/addSummerExperience', methods=['POST']) 

61def addSummerExperience(username): 

62 pass 


64@minor_bp.route('/cceMinor/<username>/indicateInterest', methods=['POST']) 

65def indicateMinorInterest(username): 

66 updateMinorInterest(username) 

67 return ""