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1from collections import defaultdict
2from datetime import date
3from peewee import IntegrityError, SQL
5import xlsxwriter
7from app import app
8from app.models.bonnerCohort import BonnerCohort
9from app.models.eventRsvp import EventRsvp
10from app.models.user import User
12def makeBonnerXls():
13 """
14 Create and save a BonnerStudents.xlsx file with all of the current and former bonner students.
15 Working with XLSX files:
17 Returns:
18 The file path and name to the newly created file, relative to the web root.
19 """
20 filepath = app.config['files']['base_path'] + '/BonnerStudents.xlsx'
21 workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(filepath, {'in_memory': True})
22 worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('students')
23 bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': True})
25 worksheet.write('A1', 'Cohort Year', bold)
26 worksheet.set_column('A:A', 10)
27 worksheet.write('B1', 'Student', bold)
28 worksheet.set_column('B:B', 20)
29 worksheet.write('C1', 'B-Number', bold)
30 worksheet.set_column('C:C', 10)
31 worksheet.write('D1', 'Student Email', bold)
32 worksheet.set_column('D:D', 20)
34 students =, User).join(User).order_by(BonnerCohort.year.desc(), User.lastName)
36 prev_year = 0
37 row = 0
38 for student in students:
39 if prev_year != student.year:
40 row += 1
41 prev_year = student.year
42 worksheet.write(row, 0, f"{student.year} - {student.year+1}", bold)
44 worksheet.write(row, 1, student.user.fullName)
45 worksheet.write(row, 2, student.user.bnumber)
46 worksheet.write(row, 3,
48 row += 1
50 workbook.close()
52 return filepath
54def getBonnerCohorts(limit=None,
55 """
56 Return a dictionary with years as keys and a list of bonner users as values. Returns empty lists for
57 intermediate years, or the last 5 years if there are no older records.
58 """
59 bonnerCohorts = list(, User).join(User).order_by(BonnerCohort.year).execute())
61 firstYear = currentYear - 4 if not bonnerCohorts else min(currentYear - 4, bonnerCohorts[0].year)
62 lastYear = currentYear if not bonnerCohorts else max(currentYear, bonnerCohorts[-1].year)
65 cohorts = { year: [] for year in range(firstYear, lastYear + 1) }
66 for cohort in bonnerCohorts:
67 cohorts[cohort.year].append(cohort.user)
69 # slice off cohorts that go over our limit starting with the earliest
70 if limit:
71 cohorts = dict(sorted(list(cohorts.items()), key=lambda e: e[0], reverse=True)[:limit])
73 return cohorts
75def rsvpForBonnerCohort(year, event):
76 """
77 Adds an EventRsvp record to the given event for each user in the given Bonner year.
78 """
79 EventRsvp.insert_from(, event, SQL('NOW()')).where(BonnerCohort.year == year),[EventRsvp.user, EventRsvp.event, EventRsvp.rsvpTime]).on_conflict(action='IGNORE').execute()