Coverage for app/logic/ 91%
23 statements
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1import yaml
3import as collections
5def deep_update(d, u):
6 """
7 Update old_dict in place with the values from new_dict, respecting nested dictionaries.
8 Adapted from this stackoverflow answer:
9 """
10 if d is None: d = {}
11 if not u: return d
13 for key, val in u.items():
14 if isinstance(d, collections.Mapping):
15 if isinstance(val, collections.Mapping):
16 r = deep_update(d.get(key, {}), val)
17 d[key] = r
18 else:
19 d[key] = u[key]
20 else:
21 d = {key: u[key]}
22 return d
24def load_config_files(app):
25 # we want to switch between three config files
26 update_config_from_yaml(app, "default.yml")
27 update_config_from_yaml(app, f"{app.env}.yml")
28 update_config_from_yaml(app, "local-override.yml")
30def update_config_from_yaml(app, configFile):
31 """
32 Update the application config with a yml file based on the Flask environment.
33 """
34 with open(f"app/config/{configFile}", 'r') as ymlfile:
35 try:
36 app.config.update(deep_update(app.config, yaml.load(ymlfile, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)))
37 except TypeError:
38 print(F"There was an error loading the override config file {configFile}.")