Coverage for app/logic/ 86%

130 statements  

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1from flask import session, g 

2import re as regex 

3from openpyxl import load_workbook 

4from app.models.course import Course 

5from app.models.user import User 

6from app.models.term import Term 

7from app.models.courseInstructor import CourseInstructor 

8from app.models.courseParticipant import CourseParticipant 

9from app.models.courseStatus import CourseStatus 

10from app.models.courseQuestion import CourseQuestion 

11from app.models.questionNote import QuestionNote 

12from app.models.note import Note 

13from app.models.attachmentUpload import AttachmentUpload 

14from app.models.term import Term 

15from app.models import DoesNotExist 

16from app.logic.createLogs import createAdminLog 

17from app.logic.fileHandler import FileHandler 

18from app.logic.term import addPastTerm 


20def getServiceLearningCoursesData(user): 

21 """Returns dictionary with data used to populate Service-Learning proposal table""" 

22 courses = (, Term, User, CourseStatus) 

23 .join(CourseInstructor).switch() 

24 .join(Term).switch() 

25 .join(CourseStatus).switch() 

26 .join(User) 

27 .where((CourseInstructor.user==user)|(Course.createdBy==user)) 

28 .order_by(Course.term.desc(), Course.status)) 


30 courseDict = {} 

31 for course in courses: 

32 otherInstructors = (, User).join(User).where(CourseInstructor.course==course)) 

33 faculty = [f"{instructor.user.firstName} {instructor.user.lastName}" for instructor in otherInstructors] 



36 courseDict[] = {"id", 

37 "creator":f"{course.createdBy.firstName} {course.createdBy.lastName}", 

38 "name":course.courseName, 

39 "faculty": faculty, 

40 "term": course.term, 

41 "status": course.status.status} 

42 return courseDict 


44def withdrawProposal(courseID): 

45 """Withdraws proposal of ID passed in. Removes foreign keys first. 

46 Key Dependencies: QuestionNote, CourseQuestion, CourseParticipant, 

47 CourseInstructor, Note""" 


49 # delete syllabus 

50 try: 

51 syllabi = 

52 for syllabus in syllabi: 

53 FileHandler(courseId = courseID).deleteFile( 


55 except DoesNotExist: 

56 print(f"File, {AttachmentUpload.fileName}, does not exist.") 


58 # delete course object 

59 course = Course.get( == courseID) 

60 courseName = course.courseName 

61 questions = == course) 

62 notes = list( 

63 .join(QuestionNote) 

64 .where(QuestionNote.question.in_(questions)) 

65 .distinct()) 

66 course.delete_instance(recursive=True) 

67 for note in notes: 

68 note.delete_instance() 


70 createAdminLog(f"Withdrew SLC proposal: {courseName}") 


72def renewProposal(courseID, term): 

73 """ 

74 Renews proposal of ID passed in for the selected term. 

75 Sets status to in progress. 

76 """ 

77 oldCourse = Course.get_by_id(courseID) 

78 newCourse = Course.get_by_id(courseID) 

79 = None 

80 newCourse.term = Term.get_by_id(term) 

81 newCourse.status = CourseStatus.IN_PROGRESS 

82 newCourse.isPreviouslyApproved = True 


84 questions = 

85 for question in questions: 

86 CourseQuestion.create(, 

87 questionContent=question.questionContent, 

88 questionNumber=question.questionNumber) 


90 instructors = 

91 for instructor in instructors: 

92 CourseInstructor.create(, 

93 user=instructor.user) 


95 return newCourse 


97def parseUploadedFile(filePath): 

98 """ 

99 Parse an Excel document at the given `filePath` for courses and 

100 course participants. 


102 The return value will be a tuple. The second value is a list of  

103 error message tuples. The first tuple value is the error message,  

104 and the second is a 0 or 1 indicating whether the error is a  

105 'general' error - 1 - or an error on a specific course, term, or  

106 person. The first value is a dictionary keyed by the term  

107 description. Each value is another dictionary, with a key for  

108 'displayMsg' and 'errorMsg', and a 'courses' key whose value is  

109 a dictionary with keys for the courses in the term. Each course  

110 has a 'displayMsg' and 'errorMsg' key, and a 'students' key  

111 that has a list of dictionaries with 'user', 'displayMsg', and  

112 'errorMsg' keys. 

113 E.g., 

114 { 

115 "Fall 2021": { 

116 "displayMsg": "", 

117 "errorMsg": "", 

118 "courses": { 

119 "CSC 330": { 

120 "displayMsg: "CSC 330 will be created", 

121 "errorMsg: "", 

122 "students": [ 

123 {'user':'ramsayb2',  

124 'displayMsg': 'Brian Ramsay', 

125 'errorMsg': ''}, 

126 {'user':'B0073235',  

127 'displayMsg': '', 

128 'errorMsg': 'ERROR: B0073235 does not exist!'}] 

129 }, 

130 "CSC 226": { 

131 "displayMsg": "CSC 226 matched to existing course 'Data Structures'.", 

132 "errorMsg": "", 

133 "students": [ 

134 {'user':'ramsayb2',  

135 'displayMsg': 'Brian Ramsay', 

136 'errorMsg': ''}, 

137 {'user':'lamichhanes',  

138 'displayMsg': 'Sandesh Lamichhane', 

139 'errorMsg': ''}] 

140 } 

141 } 

142 } 

143 } 

144 """ 

145 excelData = load_workbook(filename=filePath) 

146 excelSheet = 


148 result= {} 

149 errors = [] 

150 term = '' 

151 course = '' 

152 cellRow = 0 


154 for row in excelSheet.iter_rows(): 

155 cellRow += 1 

156 cellVal = row[0].value 

157 if not cellVal: 

158 continue 


160 # Look for a Term. Examples: Fall 2020 or Spring B 2021 

161 if"\b[a-zA-Z]{3,}( [AB])? \d{4}\b", str(cellVal)): 

162 errorMsg = '' 

163 if "Spring A" in cellVal or "Spring B" in cellVal: 

164 cellVal = "Spring " + cellVal.split()[-1] 

165 if "Fall A" in cellVal or "Fall B" in cellVal: 

166 cellVal = "Fall " + cellVal.split()[-1] 


168 if cellVal.split()[0] not in ["Summer", "Spring", "Fall", "May"]: 

169 errorMsg = f"ERROR: '{cellVal}' is not a valid term in row {cellRow}." 

170 else: 

171 latestTerm = 

172 isFutureTerm = latestTerm.termOrder < Term.convertDescriptionToTermOrder(cellVal) 

173 if isFutureTerm: 

174 errors.append(f"ERROR: '{cellVal}' is a future term in row {cellRow}.") 

175 else: 

176 validTerm = Term.get_or_none(Term.description == cellVal) 


178 term = cellVal 

179 result[term] = { 

180 'displayMsg': term, 

181 'errorMsg': errorMsg, 

182 'courses': {} 

183 } 

184 if errorMsg: 

185 errors.append((errorMsg,0)) 


187 # Look for a Course. Examples: FRN134 CSC 226 

188 elif"\b[A-Z]{2,4} ?\d{3}\b", str(cellVal)): 

189 errorMsg = displayMsg = '' 

190 if not term: 

191 displayMsg = cellVal 

192 errorMsg = "ERROR: No term was given for this course" 

193 else: 

194 existingCourse = Course.get_or_none(Course.courseAbbreviation == cellVal) 

195 displayMsg = f'{cellVal} will be created.' 

196 if existingCourse: 

197 displayMsg = f"{cellVal} matched to the existing course {existingCourse.courseName}." 


199 course = cellVal 

200 result[term]['courses'][course] = { 

201 'displayMsg': displayMsg, 

202 'errorMsg': errorMsg, 

203 'students': [] 

204 } 

205 if errorMsg: 

206 errors.append((errorMsg,0)) 


208 # Look for a B-Number. Example: B00123456 

209 elif"\b[B]\d{8}\b", str(cellVal)): 

210 errorMsg = displayMsg = '' 

211 if not course: 

212 errorMsg = "ERROR: No course is connected to this student" 

213 else: 

214 existingUser = User.get_or_none(User.bnumber == cellVal) 

215 if existingUser: 

216 displayMsg = f"{existingUser.firstName} {existingUser.lastName}" 

217 existingUser = existingUser.username 

218 else: 

219 errorMsg = f'ERROR: {row[1].value} with B# "{row[0].value}" does not exist.' 


221 result[term]['courses'][course]['students'].append({ 

222 'user': (existingUser or cellVal), 

223 'displayMsg': displayMsg, 

224 'errorMsg': errorMsg}) 

225 if errorMsg: 

226 errors.append((errorMsg,0)) 


228 elif cellVal: # but didn't match the regex 

229 errors.append((f'ERROR: "{cellVal}" in row {cellRow} of the Excel document does not appear to be a term, course, or valid B#.',1)) 



232 return result, errors 


234def saveCourseParticipantsToDatabase(cpPreview): 

235 for term,terminfo in cpPreview.items(): 

236 termObj = Term.get_or_none(description = term) or addPastTerm(term) 

237 if not termObj: 

238 print(f"Unable to find or create term {term}") 

239 continue 


241 for course, courseinfo in terminfo['courses'].items(): 

242 if 'errorMsg' in courseinfo and courseinfo['errorMsg']: 

243 print(f"Unable to save course {course}. {courseinfo['errorMsg']}") 

244 continue 


246 courseObj = Course.get_or_create( 

247 courseAbbreviation = course, 

248 term = termObj, 

249 defaults = {"CourseName" : "", 

250 "sectionDesignation" : "", 

251 "courseCredit" : "1", 

252 "term" : termObj, 

253 "status" : 4, 

254 "createdBy" : g.current_user, 

255 "serviceLearningDesignatedSections" : "", 

256 "previouslyApprovedDescription" : "" })[0] 


258 for userDict in courseinfo['students']: 

259 if userDict['errorMsg']: 

260 print(f"Unable to save student. {userDict['errorMsg']}") 

261 continue 


263 CourseParticipant.get_or_create(user=userDict['user'], 

264 course=courseObj, 

265 hoursEarned=20)